Last News
Dear Customer, We are excited to share a great opportunity with you! September is coming and we will be at Plast 2023, the most important event in the plastics industry.
What better occasion to show you our innovative colour solutions.

Dear Customer, VanettiColori, the sole supplier of Vanetti SpA, proudly supports the social initiatives promoted by SociaLibri and by the Ancora publishing house thanks to an agreement signed with the San Carlo Non-profit Social Cooperative in…

Dear Customer, Vanetti Spa is writing to inform you that it has set up a new in-house laboratory (its third laboratory) devoted entirely to green and ecologically sustainable research, allowing fully eco-friendly production processes to be offered…

We are delighted to announce that our company has adopted a Code of Ethics, which has been approved by the board of directors. This Code of Ethics sets out the ethical principles applied by Vanetti Spa in its business and is an invaluable tool for…

We are delighted to announce that we are celebrating forty-five years of producing masterbatches for colouring thermoplastic resins. Since 1971 Vanetti S.p.A. has been committed to fulfilling every possible customer requirement with regard to…
NEW CERTIFICATIONS ISO 14001:2004 e OHSAS 18001:2007

We are pleased to inform you that in addition to the ISO 9001:2008 (quality management) certificate and the VINÇOTTE OK COMPOST certificate for biodegradable and compostable biomasterbatches®, our company is now also certified in accordance with the…

A constant focus on research and development has helped us to perfect our products. Today we can announce our latest certificate - “Vinçotte OK compost” which attests to the quality of the Biomasterbatches® produced exclusively by us and ensures…
DIAMOND colors in movement

The new colors are presented to customers of Vanetti S.p.A represent a further development of the "Diamond" presented at the last Plast in Milan. The colors take today over the depth and elegance, even a new look iridescent in the sunlight. … New…
PLAST 2015 Milan May 5-9

COME AND SEE US … We hereby wish to inform you that this year our company will be at the international event Plast 2015 which will be held from 5 to 9 May. We would like to be able to receive you at our stand: HALL 9 - STAND 131/132 - LANE C / D to…

Vanetti S.p.A. was one of the first to examine and tackle environmental issues in the field of colouring plastic materials, and has now developed second generation Biomasterbatches® for the latest biopolymers. These polymers have been molecularly…
New bright colours: DIAMOND

The new bright DIAMOND colours follow the latest fashion trends and are targeted at those operating in plastic materials industries, supporting design ideas with highly effective masterbatches at reduced costs. For further detailed information…